Wild Mindfulness is the ability to access and maintain peak "flow" state in any situation. Nature Awareness is knowing where you and what is available to you through the seasons in any environment. Learn to be literate in reading the natural world and as a means of gaining mastery of your internal landscape. Discover the profound ways these skills can be applied to your daily life. Contact the school with your questions via e-mail at staff@primitiveskills.com.
Specific skills in aid-less navigation, lost proofing, reading patterns in nature for useful information, field meteorology, tracking technologies, understanding animal and bird behaviors, sensory awareness skills, and tools to peak your physical senses while quieting your mind will be covered.
Learn to:
- Read both your external and internal "landscape" through sensory interpretation
- Discover more wildlife, interpret bird and animal behavior, understand tracks and signs, and more accurately understand weather patterns.
- Extract meaningful and actionable information from your surroundings
- Enhance perceptual abilities and gain confidence
- Communicate more effectively with your environment using all of your senses
Course starts: 09.00 Saturday, Ends Wednesday at 5pm.
Limit: 12 Students
Deposits transferable but non-refundable
Minimum Age: 16 years
Course location:-
Maine Primitive Skills School, 716 Church Hill Road, Augusta, ME 04330
Tel: +1 207-623-7298 email: staff@primitiveskills.com